The Wanderers (1979 film)

The Wanderers is a 1979 American drama film it was written and directed by Philip Kaufman, and stars Ken Wahl, John Friedrich, Karen Allen and Toni Kalem. Set in the Bronx in 1963, the film follows a gang of ItalianAmerican teenagers known as the Wanderers and their ongoing power struggle with a rival gang called Fordham Baldies.

Joey and Turkey are members of the Wanderers, an allItalian street gang. In the Bronx, Joey tries to dissuade Turkey from joining a rival gang, the Fordham Baldies. Before Turkey can ask, Terrors girlfriend Peewee overhears Joey insulting the Baldies, calling them a bunch of pricks with ears. Joey and Turkey flee and the Baldies chase them. Richiethe leader of the Wanderersand Buddy come to help but they also flee from the Baldies. After being cornered, the Wanderers are helped by a tough stranger named Perry, who has recently moved to the Bronx from New Jersey. After much persuasion, Perry joins the Wanderers.In school, the Wanderers get into a racial dispute with another gang, the Del Bombers. Both gangs agree to settle their dispute in a street fight, but the Wanderers struggle to find a gang willing to back them. With no other options, Richie asks his girlfriends father for help. Local mafia boss Chubby Galasso agrees to help solve the gangs dispute. During a game of elbowtit, Richie gropes a woman called Nina. He feels ashamed of himself, apologizes for his actions and persuades Nina to accept Joeys telephone number. The Wanderers then decide to follow Nina in Perrys car. After Perry becomes lost, the Wanderers are attacked by a gang called the Ducky Boys. They escape after Perrys arm is broken. ........

Source: Wikipedia